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Beneath the Badlands
Gameplay Programmer and Tech Artist
Beneath the Badlands is an action horror roguelike set in a Western Steampunk world. The player follows Aster, a gristly bounty hunter, as they traverse beneath the Badlands in hopes of saving their partner.
Beneath the Badlands is a student led project made up of 40 members.
My Contributions
Developed vertex animation materials using HLSL for environment art and cutscenes
Created a blueprint and guide document for vertex animation materials focusing on ease-of-use for environment artists
Worked on core features of character movement like sliding and vaulting
Designed structure of and implemented user interface while coordinating with the lead UI artist
Worked on key blueprint for level transitions
Performed maintenance to features as other parts of the project broke them
Organized and led the team using Scrum during the difficult final sprint
Follow our journey as we continue development by visiting our site!
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